Plaid Cymru launch 2022 RCT campaign

PC RCT CandidatesThis election is taking place during one of the most challenging times in all our lives. We hope we are at last emerging from the Covid pandemic that has caused so much pain and misery to our communities over the last two years, but as we know, Covid nor its impact have not gone away.

We are now facing one of the greatest cost of living crisis in living memory. Best estimates are indicating that millions will be forced into absolute poverty as a consequence of rising household costs like gas, electricity and food because of inflation, fuel costs and food shortages. These are not luxuries we are talking about but basic day to day costs that any civilised society needs for their very survival.

This manifesto outlines Plaid Cymru’s commitments relating to specific areas of services that the Council has direct responsibility for and seeks to address some factors that will make a difference to people’s lives. We want to support children and young people whose lives have been turned upside down
by the effects of the pandemic. Their education and well-being has been disrupted. This cannot continue. We want our young citizens to have a voice and influence the types of services they aspire to going forward.

For the first time, 16 and 17-year-olds will be able to vote. We want their vote to count in determining what their generation aspire to. Given the scale of the challenge, Plaid Cymru commits to working with all partners at a local and national level to support a recovery from Covid and address the cost of living

Plaid Cymru will work with residents to champion the things that improve the general well-being of communities. Residents have told us that a clean, green environment is a top priority We will be tough on those that allow their dogs to foul and those that fly-tip by employing more staff to improve enforcement. We will also remove the charges for bulky waste collection in the expectation that the people will stop fly-tipping.

Plaid Cymru’s message to voters is simple. We are trustworthy and have a reputation for listening and acting on people’s priorities.

This starts with you

They have the money but we have the people. If everyone who visits this website joins our movement, there's nothing we can't accomplish together.